We Deliver The Quality Water.
Aqua Clarus has developed and supplied waste treatment novel waste treatment systems
(over 20 years).
Our systems treat household greywater from homes with up to six people
(all wastewater excluding toilet water)
These systems are Australian Made and provide the best solution to treating all household greywater
The systems are compact , are easily installed and take up less space than other systems available.
An innovative process is used to produce very high quality water with low energy use.
Natural processes combined in novel ways to produce very high quality water.
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The treated water that can be reused for toilet flushing cold water for washing machines, surface irrigation and pavement washing resulting in a saving of up to 60% in fresh water purchase.
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Can be equipped with smart control with advanced communication to customers
Individual systems can be nested together for treatment and reuse of up to 5000 litres of greywater per day.
Our systems are designed to give trouble free operation .
They need to be serviced on a six month basis.
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