Approved in New South Wales
• Treats up to 800 litres of greywater per day.
• Small foot print compared with other systems available
• Cabinet 1060mm wide, 720mm deep,1800 high
• All treatment carried out in the cabinet
• Usually positioned against wall of the homes e
• Premium coloured aluminium finish
• Removable door on RH front corner and re-movable lid for easy maintenance
• Greywater typically collected in underground tank and periodically pumped to the system
• Easy to install
• Low energy use
• Warranty 15yrs for the system 3 years for pumps and controller. |
Low energy use |
Treatment system consists of an above ground cabinet sup-plied from a below ground tank. This tank is situated in a suitable position to collect greywater from the home.
The above ground cabinet is place level ground either on a concrete slab 1100mm X 750mm or pavers. |
How the system works
Greywater fro the house enters a collection tank and then flows to the bottom treatment tank. The liquid is recirculated through a trickle bed bioreactor before entering an ultafiltation membrane located in the top cabinet/tank.
Filtered water is then treated in an ultraviolet unit before entering a small water tank house in the lower treatment tank.
This water is then pumped out of the system.
An air blower operates periodically to clean the membrane and to en-hance aerobic treatment. |